Operating out of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory in Canada’s North, ALX Exploration Services has been supplying Exploration, Mining, Drilling and Construction industries for over a decade.

What sets ALX Apart from other suppliers?

Going the extra mile

We pride ourselves on offering exceptional customer service for our clients. Going the extra mile isn’t actually extra for us– we consider it a part of the job. With a staff that is uniquely flexible and multi-talented, we are able to provide one-on-one attention and focus, while being nimble enough to supply a truly diverse range of business, industries, and companies.


Our location offers us the best of both worlds— Whitehorse is much closer to exploration, drilling, and mining projects in the territories and Northern BC than southern suppliers and acts as a transportation and infrastructure hub for northwestern Canada.


One of the largest warehouse spaces north of 60º


Yukon First Nations play a critical role in our economy.  Often through their Development Corporations, Yukon First Nations are involved in a diverse number of of industries and businesses that create economic opportunities, wealth, and jobs for Yukon citizens.

Recognizing this, ALX has entered into mutually beneficial partnerships with several First Nations Development Corporations to create economic benefits for the communities that we do business in.  We have partnerships with the Chief Isaac Group of Companies, the Nacho Nyäk Dun Development Corporation, and the Selkirk Development Corporation.  This covers the work we do in the traditional territories of the Tr’ondëk Hwech’in First Nation, the Na-Cho Nyäk Dun First Nation,  and the Selkirk First Nation respectively.


ALX is a long-time and very proud supporter of the Yukon Special Olympics.  This year we became a Diamond Sponsor and look forward to continuing our support of this amazing organization.

ALX also contributes to a number of community groups and programs, including the 2019 Canada Winter Games Team Yukon Ice Hockey teams.

Alx is a proud member of

Yukon Producer’s Group

Membership in the Yukon Producers’ Group is by invitation and includes companies with producing mine operations; companies with late stage mine projects in the mine development stage; companies with advanced resource projects currently in the Yukon’s permitting process; or companies in the advanced exploration phase; as well as companies which serve and supply the Yukon’s advanced projects with transportation, engineering, construction, logistics and other professional services. ALX is the only goods-supplier that is a member of the Yukon Producers’ Group.

Click here for more information about the Yukon Producers’ Group.

We Are always available for emergency ordering

24 hours a day, 7 days a week